Entries by QuizMistress

Food for Thought 2024

We’ve written about this before (https://quizquizquiz.com/2015/11/food-for-thought-2/) but, almost 10 years on, I think it’s worth revisiting. We are very lucky and grateful to be looked after at almost all the quizzes we run, and this isn’t intended as a complaint, but as an insight into a side of our work that doesn’t get talked about […]

Quiz Feedback

Lovely feedback for Benjamin Till from a quiz he ran last week in Old Windsor for an advisory firm looking for after-dinner entertainment at a corporate event: “The quiz operated by your team was superb and enjoyed by everyone who attended. The questions were pitched perfectly and the quiz master ran the event so well and added to […]

Getting people back to the office through the medium of quiz!

How can QuizQuizQuiz help you to attract people back to the office? As companies navigate the return to in-office work, the challenge is not only bringing employees back to the workplace but also ensuring that they are engaged, motivated, and excited about being there. If you’re looking for a way to boost morale and foster […]

Quiz Feedback

Our latest feedback from a happy client, for whom we ran a quiz in the City last week: “Benjamin Till was amazing – charming, funny and had the room eating out of his hands as if we were watching a penalty shoot-out in the World Cup Final. Benjamin and Jacinta were very professional and efficient and […]

Quiz Events: adapting to the virtual reality

This is the story of survival instinct; of adrenaline and Covid-fuelled product development; of the birth of QuizQuizQuiz-style virtual quizzes. As for others in live entertainment and events this has been a rather interesting test, to say the least, and we’re grateful that we are – so far – managing to find a way through. […]

A Room of One’s Own

Most of the time, setting up for a quiz is very straightforward. My dream venue is a convex hexahedron with a modern, well-kept PA system built in, and a screen or screen and projector with easy connection to our laptop. When we are not confident that this sort of kit is available, we bring our […]

Remember November

November is always a busy month at QQQ Towers. We’ve been going for over 16 years now, and quiz nights seem to follow the same seasonal patterns – we’re usually at our busiest in March, May and November, and our quietest in August. This month sees our quiz masters travelling to London (many, many times!), […]


Last week, QuizQuizQuiz helped a charity to run a quiz in Switzerland, hosted by Swiss celebrities in Swiss German. We devised the format and wrote the questions with the help of translators and Swiss contacts able to confirm what would be well-known enough in Switzerland to be a hit with the (largely corporate) quiz teams. […]